1. |
Operating Engineers Union Apprentice Campus/Training Facilities |
2. |
Plymouth Pipeline |
3. |
Lake Tahoe High School Campus Plan Collaborative |
4. |
Merced County Climate Action Plan |
5. |
Merced County Animal Confinement Ordinance |
6. |
San Benito County General Plan |
7. |
City of Folsom Sphere of Influence Amendment |
8. |
Copper Town Square |
9. |
Rideout Memorial Hospital Expansion |
10. |
Michael Brasil Dairy Expansion |
11. |
J.S. West Dwight Way Egg Laying/Processing Facility Expansion |
12. |
Greenwood Lake Water Treatment Plant and Transmission Pipeline |
13. |
Citrus Heights Water District Bonita Way Well |
14. |
Wentworth Springs Road Improvement |
15. |
San Mateo County Transit District Bus Route Realignment Study |
16. |
Sacramento LAFCo On Call Services |
17. |
Tulare County On Call Services |
18. |
Marin County Open Space District Road and Trail Management Program EIR |