Planning Partners maintains the time-honored goal of being of meaningful assistance to our client and agency partners by providing expert environmental planning services, thoughtfully delivered, and by developing long-term relationships with our partners. Key to the success of this vision has been the establishment of a core team of experienced planners and scientists committed to the underlying principles of our practice, and offering almost 60 years of experience among them. Our project management team consists of the following individuals:
Planning Partners' founder and president, Robert D. Klousner, is a broadly experienced land use and environmental planner with a focus on environmental impact analysis, and planning and project administration. He has authored over 700 planning studies, environmental documents, and environmental determinations in his 29 years as a planning professional. His contribution to these documents has ranged from sole authorship and technical analysis to the management of large multidisciplinary teams, and project oversight as principal-in-charge. Mr. Klousner possesses an in-depth knowledge of California and federal planning and environmental law, quantitative planning methods, needs analysis, and decision analysis. He specializes in the resolution of complex planning issues among diverse interest groups, including preservationists and environmentalists, developers, and local, State, and federal agencies. Mr. Klousner has a Masters of City and Regional Planning from the Ohio State University.
Planning Partners' professional planner, Raadha Jacobstein, has over 11 years experience in completing and managing land use and environmental planning projects. Ms. Jacobstein serves as a project manager, writes and edits environmental and planning documents, conducts research and analysis, and prepares technical documents. She has evaluated park and urban development projects, agricultural activities, and transportation improvement projects throughout central and northern California, and Hawaii. Ms. Jacobstein's background in environmental biology, in conjunction with her technical skills in environmental analysis and her attention to detail, allow her to successfully manage complicated projects to completion. Raadha holds degrees from Dartmouth College in English Literature and in Environmental Biology.
Mary Wilson has been with Planning Partners since 2000. As a planner, she has prepared Background Reports for county General Plans, and environmental documents for planning and land use activities, including General Plan amendments, rezonings, and subdivision maps. She is also involved in project team and public agency coordination, and assists in preparation for public hearings, from scoping meetings to presentations at Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor hearings. Additionally, her experience includes the technical editing and formatting of environmental and planning documents, distributing public notices for environmental documents and public review, and providing project management support. Mary also manages administrative activities for the firm. She is a graduate of the University of California Los Angeles, and has completed the UC Davis Extension Certification Program in Land Use and Environmental Planning.
Dale Nutley has over 14 years of experience as a graphic artist with Planning Partners. His work includes prepartion of visual photo-simulations, illustration, cartography and web design. He is proficient using Adobe Creative Suite, and various Internet techonlogies.
Lew Napton, PhD. has been the principal investigator on over 450 historical resource management projects conducted since 1974. Dr. Napton is a professor of archaeology, emeritus, at California State University, Stanislaus, and was formerly the coordinator of Central California Information Center, California Archaeological Inventory. He has completed historical resource management projects in California, Arizona, Nevada, Montana, Mexico, Australia, and Africa, for agencies ranging from local cities and counties, to multiple agencies of the State of California and the United States. For the Merced General Plan, Dr. Napton developed background information related to cultural, historic, and paleontological resources, evaluated alternatives with respect to these issues, and developed policies for these resources.
Julia Dumars, Staff Biologist. Julia has over 12 years of professional experience as an environmental scientist and biologist. She has conducted protocol threatened and endangered species surveys, habitat impact assessments, and wetland delineations. She has also prepared sections of Initial Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Statements and other types of CEQA and NEPA documents. Ms. Dumars' environmental analysis experience includes projects such as transportation corridors, transmission line corridors, waste transfer stations, land development, bridge construction, aggregate mines, and trail restoration projects. For several of Planning Partner's long-range planning projects, such as background and alternative analysis for County General Plans, Ms. Dumars has provided extensive GIS analysis, developed existing conditions information related to terrestrial biological resources and habitats, evaluated alternatives with respect to these issues, and developed policies for these resources.