Planning Partners specializes in the drafting of comprehensive, legally adequate environmental documents pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, HRS. Ch. 343, and NEPA for a variety of project types throughout central and northern California, and Hawai'i. These documents range from Notices of Exemption or Categorical Exclusions to complex Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Assessments, or Environmental Impact Statements, and joint NEPA/CEQA and NEPA/HRS. Ch. 343 documents. Our practice emphasizes the development and certification of first-tier, program EIRs such as those for General Plans, Specific Plans, and regulatory programs that act to streamline the future environmental review for subsequent projects.
During the firm's 16-year history, we have prepared literally hundreds of documents for clients and projects located throughout California, Washington, and Hawaii. We additionally perform peer-reviews, CEQA/NEPA consistency reviews, and the repair of deficient environmental documents prepared by others.