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Environmental Documentation: Transportation


Project: Wentworth Springs Road Improvement
Client Type: Federal Agency

On behalf of the Federal Highway Administration, the Eldorado National Forest, and El Dorado County, Planning Partners staff prepared an Environmental Impact Statement evaluating the widening and paving of a 35-mile roadway traversing public and private lands in the National Forest and the county. One of many projects we have completed for FHWA throughout rural areas of California, our Wentworth Springs Road work involved extensive agency and public consultation between the FHWA and Native Americans, and federal, state, and local agencies. The environmental analysis featured in-depth reviews of wildland fire hazard and risk, effects to biological resources, visual quality, growth inducement, and recreation. The EIS was certified by the FHWA, and, subsequently, El Dorado County adopted the EIS as a functionally-equivalent document pursuant to CEQA. The project was approved by both agencies and has been constructed.

Project: San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) Bus Route Realignment Study Implementation Plan
Client Type: Special District

SamTrans proposed to realign its bus services and routes to accommodate changes in demand and decreased funding. Planning Partners was retained to evaluate the environmental effects of this plan. Environmental issues of importance evaluated in the Initial Study/Negative Declaration included potential increase in air emissions due to changes in mode of travel (e.g., bus to private auto), localized increases in traffic congestion, localized increases in noise levels along new bus routes, and decreased accessibility to public services such as schools and recreation facilities. The environmental document was certified by the District without challenge, and the project has been implemented.

Project: Rehabilitation of Umauma Bridge
Client Type: State of Hawai'i

We are in the process of preparing a Draft Environmental Assessment pursuant to HRS, Ch. 343 for the State of Hawai'i, Department of Transportation, Highways Division evaluating the potential environmental effects of bridge widening and structural rehabilitation of the existing historic Umauma Bridge located in the North Hilo District, Hawai'i Island. We have assisted in early coordination with resource agencies and initiating required permitting for the project.